Our Mission

With the support of Development Partners, the Facility for Investment Climate Advisory Services (FIAS) supports projects and programs implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) that aim to develop dynamic and resilient economies that promote economic inclusion through investment, innovation, job-creation, and higher productivity. Efforts to increase the competitiveness of developing country economies support their increased participation in international markets, produce better jobs, and contribute to the World Bank Group’s mission of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity on a livable planet and the IFC 3.0 Creating Markets Upstream strategy aimed at stimulating greater private sector investment in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).

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Who We Are

The Facility for Investment Climate Advisory Services (FIAS) is a collaboration between 13 development partners and the World Bank Group. As of FY24, the roster of FIAS Development Partners was Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States, in partnership with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). FIAS funding supports client-facing and knowledge development projects. IFC oversees and manages the FIAS multi-donor trust fund that allocates support to client-facing projects implemented by IFC Advisory and Upstream Services teams and FIAS-supported global platforms and global knowledge projects implemented by IFC and IBRD teams.

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What we do

FIAS-supported work, managed and implemented by IFC, is organized into two strategic pillars. Pillar 1 involves improving the business environment in client countries. Pillar 2 entails expanding market opportunities and increasing firm-level competitiveness. Supporting these pillars are three programmatic themes that serve as guiding priorities across the portfolio: gender and inclusion; green competitiveness; and digitalization. As part of the “one World Bank” theme embodied in the Evolution Roadmap initiative, FIAS prioritizes and tracks IFC projects that involve collaboration with lending and policy initiatives implemented by World Bank colleagues with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). While some FIAS-supported projects focus on a single pillar, many combine elements of both pillars, and a majority of projects in the FIAS FY22–26 portfolio include components in the gender or climate cross-cutting themes—or both.

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United States